Digital Library Catalog
In our Findus catalog, you can research our collection, reserve titles and extend your loan period. Enjoy browsing!
Please note, that the site is currently only available in German.
You can find the catalog here.
Our collection currently holds around 5,000 individual media items, from novels and young adult literature to non-fiction books, magazines, DVDs and more. When selecting new acquisitions, we make sure that our library reflects the diversity of the American experience and provides an overview of political, social and cultural issues.
In our Findus catalog, you can research our collection, reserve titles and extend your loan period. Enjoy browsing!
Please note, that the site is currently only available in German.
You can find the catalog here.
If you’re an avid reader, you’ll enjoy perusing our library, with its collection of books mostly by American authors. Classics, short story collections and recent bestsellers from authors like Toni Morrison, Paul Auster, Elizabeth Strout and Colson Whitehead await your reading pleasure.
We purchase new releases on a regular basis, so there is always something new for you to find.
Whether you would like to read up on the United States, or are seeking materials for a presentation or term paper, you can find a large selection of non-fiction books on American history, politics and culture in our library. We have everything from reference books to recent non-fiction bestsellers.
Do you enjoy reading comics and graphic novels? Then we’ve got you covered!
You can check out a variety of titles, from books on superheroes like Batman and Spider-Man to the award-winning series March on the Civil Rights Movement.
We subscribe to over 30 magazines and several newspapers. In our reading corner, you can leaf through the most recent issues of The Atlantic, Wired, Teen Vogue, TIME, and other magazines. Back issues may also be checked out, so you can enjoy them at home.
Furthermore, you can also find the most recent editions of The International New York Times and our major local newspapers, the Stuttgarter Zeitung and Stuttgarter Nachrichten.
Are you looking for young adult literature? We have a growing collection that covers a wide range of genres, from fantasy adventures such as the Divergent trilogy to romantic dramas by John Greene.
We also have board books and picture books for the youngest readers in your life. Come by to pick out classic children’s books, including those by Dr. Seuss, or for new releases perfect for bed-time stories, and for sharing your love of books with your little ones!
Are you looking for the perfect film to watch at your next movie night? Our library holds over 800 DVDs. You can find anything from new releases to old movies in black and white, in addition to documentaries and TV series. Whether you prefer Lady Bird, Game of Thrones, or Black Panther – we have something for every taste!
Let’s play: In our library, you can find a variety of board and party games in English. Pick up Taboo, Apples to Apples and others for your next game night, and have fun!
If you would like to spend some time in the United States, you can find a variety of books for researching and planning your stay. Whether you want to be an au pair, study at a university, or go on a business trip, our resources can help you navigate cultural differences and prepare you for your time in the USA.
We also have test-prep materials for the SAT, TOEFL, GMAT, and other standardized tests.
We offer access to eLibraryUSA, a database with a variety of text and media files (including magazine articles, images, video clips, maps, and other materials) on a range of subjects. Secondary-school students can gain access to documentaries, educational games, and other materials designed to help them improve their reading, writing, listening-comprehension and speaking skills. Teachers can find classroom materials for students from the elementary grades up to the university level.
Full members of the DAZ receive exclusive access to eBooksUSA, a platform with over 4,000 e-books and audio books. New items are added on a regular basis. If you’re not a DAZ member yet, perhaps this will provide the incentive you need!
If you need help in accessing your eBooksUSA account, please see our instructions.