Das Besondere an unseren America Explained-Präsentationen ist die Mischung aus unterrichtsrelevanten Inhalten und interkultureller Erfahrung. US-amerikanische Referent*innen geben den Schulklassen in interaktiven Vorträgen die Möglichkeit, ihr Wissen über die USA zu vertiefen und über die verschiedensten Aspekte aus Politik, Geschichte und Kultur der USA ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Die Präsentationen dauern 90 Minuten inklusive Zeit für Fragen und Diskussion
Unsere Angebote richten sich an Schulen im Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart. Die Präsentationen finden im DAZ, bei Ihnen an der Schule oder als digitales Format statt. Gerne kommen wir an Ihre Schule, wenn die Anfahrt mit dem ÖPNV ab Stuttgart-Mitte pro Strecke maximal 60 Minuten dauert. Für Schulen, die weiter entfernt liegen, bieten wir die Präsentationen online an.
Der Unkostenbeitrag je Schüler*in beträgt 3 Euro.
Die Mindestanzahl der teilnehmenden Schüler*innen liegt bei 15, bei Veranstaltungen im DAZ können maximal 50 Personen teilnehmen.
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für Fragen rund um die Präsentationen: Kathrin Büttner
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Ab Klasse 8
California Dreamin’: Exploring the Golden State
With its beaches, national parks, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley, California stands for the American Dream like hardly any other state in the U.S. In 2018, Baden-Württemberg and California established a state partnership to work together in climate protection, infrastructure, the economy, IT, science, and culture. In this presentation, we will take a closer look at the „Golden State“ and discuss the positives as well as downsides, such as glaring economic inequalities, racial and ethnic tensions, and social injustices.
Teenage Life in the U.S.
The everyday life of American teenagers – is it just like in the movies? Let’s take a closer look together: What is the American school system like and what activities are American teenagers involved in? Does everyone want to be a cheerleader or football player, and what is the fuss about Homecoming and Prom? Come join us for an interactive look at what really happens inside of America’s classrooms and what it is like to grow up in the United States of America.
Going Abroad – Ab in die USA
Viele Jugendliche träumen davon, neue Kulturen kennenzulernen und den American Way of Life hautnah zu erleben. Während und nach der Schulzeit gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, sich diesen Traum zu erfüllen. Ob High School, Au Pair, Freiwilligendienst oder vieles mehr: wir informieren über Voraussetzungen, Planung und Kosten für einen Auslandsaufenthalt.
Je nach Interessenlage und Alter der Jugendlichen können zwei unterschiedliche Präsentationen – High-School-Jahr oder Gap-Year – gebucht werden. Wir kommen gerne in Ihren Unterricht oder auch zu Aktionstagen und Projektwochen.
Ab Klasse 9
The American Dream – A Dream for Everyone?
The promise of freedom, equality, economic success, the pursuit of happiness and the hope for better life motivated many European settlers to try their luck in America. This myth of the American Dream is very much alive today, and people from all over the world still immigrate to the U.S. to find their fortune. The idea that anyone can make it in the U.S., regardless of their social or economic status, also persists. However, social and economic injustice, systemic racism, and immigration restrictions make more and more Americans doubt the American Dream. We will explore different perspectives on the American Dream, examine how the U.S. sees itself and how it is perceived by others, and contrast clichés with realities.
The „melting pot“ has been a metaphor for U.S. society ever since the first immigration waves. When Europeans came to Ellis Island in the late 19th century, they sought a life of political and religious freedom as well as better economic opportunities. But what was the reality of immigration to the U.S. like? How has immigration and its meaning for the United States changed over time? This presentation will examine how the country’s diversity influences stereotypes, cultures and daily life and what effect current political developments have had on immigration in the United States.
The African American Civil Rights Movement
While the Civil War officially ended slavery, it did not end discrimination against Black people, who continued to suffer the devastating effects of racism. Only half a century ago, segregation between black and white Americans was a reality throughout the U.S. The civil rights movement transformed the country through the persistent use of nonviolent strategies. But have African Americans finally achieved equal rights? The presentation will have a look at the history, the progress and the legacy of the civil rights movement.
#BlackLivesMatter – Racism and Political Activism in America Today
In 2008, the first black president was elected into office. But does that mean that Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for America has finally come true? The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor (and countless others) at the hands of police proved otherwise and served as the spark that has reignited the #BlackLivesMatter protests. Aside from police brutality, activists strongly criticize injustices against black people in various areas of society. This presentation will examine race relations in the U.S. today with a focus on the role of the Black Lives Matter movement in trying to create a more just society.
Ab Klasse 10
The Politics of Climate Change in the U.S.
The United States has a long history of environmental protection and conservation. More recently, however, policymakers have struggled with climate change mitigation and the country seems very divided on the issue. We analyze different viewpoints, present current U.S. climate policies, and discuss the role of the U.S. in the global fight against climate change.
The U.S. Election and Its Aftermath
From understanding the Two-Party System to unpacking the significance of the Electoral College, this presentation explains the key steps in electing the U.S. President. As we analyze the recent 2024 election results, we will explore the key factors that led to Donald Trump’s victory and examine the impact of his campaign promises. We will also look at recent developments in the Trump presidency, including policy changes, executive actions, and their impact on global affairs.
Scenes from a Marriage: The Highs and Lows of German-American Relations
Since U.S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes delivered his Speech of Hope at the Stuttgart Opera House on September 6, 1946, the U.S. and Germany have stood together through times of war, global strides for human rights, and the protection of freedom and democracy across the globe. Political contenders have also changed the stakes; with each change in Chancellor or President, new policies impact relations. But what significance remains? What impact does it have on Europe? How does Germany benefit? We will take a deeper look into the Speech of Hope, highlight events that illustrate the highs and lows of the relationship, and discuss the challenges of modern times.
U.S. Pop Culture and Media Influence
In a continually globalizing world, society is ever-changing and heavily influenced by pop culture and mass media. A significant part of this influence comes from the United States. Whether we are aware of it or not, the decisions we make every day are shaped by what we consume through the media. From the beginning to its prominence today, this presentation will take an in-depth look into the positive and negative effects of media and pop culture and how individuals can learn to be more conscious of its force.
Guns and Gun Control in the U.S.
The discussion about gun control has been a key issue in the U.S. for a long time now. With guns come violence, mass shootings and deaths, but for many Americans, owning a gun is a fundamental right. On the other hand, protests for stricter gun control and laws grow, especially among young Americans. In this presentation we will examine the history of guns, the demographics of gun ownership, and the politics of gun legislation in the U.S. We will also focus on current arguments and discuss why the debate seems at an impasse.
St. Louis – Growth, Decline and Rebirth of a City
Stuttgart and St. Louis have been sister cities for over 60 years so we will investigate the Midwestern city that was largely founded by Germans in the mid-19th century. With a rich and diverse history, St. Louis exemplified the »melting pot« of America, but German immigrants played a pivotal role in the rise of the city. Following WWII, St. Louis illustrates the story of many large industrial cities in the U.S.: incredible rise to dramatic fall. How does this happen? And how did the city manage to become one of the most relevant and vibrant cities in the Midwest again? We attempt to come up with answers by examining local and regional issues with those facing the entire nation.
Ab Klasse 11
U.S. Foreign Policy – The Global Role of the United States
„Superpower“, the „World’s Policeman“, or even the „Leader of the Free World“: Do these terms still describe the United States’ role in world politics today? How has the United States historically approached foreign policy and how has it changed under different presidents? What are the major goals of U.S. foreign policy today? We will provide an overview for students to help clarify the far-reaching and often complex actions in international relations.
American Government at Times of Crisis
The last few years have presented unprecedented challenges to the United States. The impeachment of Donald J. Trump, the COVID pandemic, and the storming of the U.S. Capitol took a toll on the American institutions. This presentation provides an overview of America’s system of government and highlights three crises in order to evaluate how the institutions in place handle these modern events. We will identify ways in which the political system works, and where its limitations lie. We will conclude by reflecting on how prepared the United States is to manage 21st century challenges and exploring ways in which they may need to reform.
The U.S. Supreme Court – Preserver or Threat to Democracy?
Roe v. Wade, Voting Rights, Gerrymandering – major political issues end up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Since the 1960s, the highest American court has been widely regarded as a protector of democracy. However, institutional problems uncovered over time have negatively affected public perception of the court. Dramatic changes to its composition as well as the political turbulence of recent years has many citizens questioning the validity of the court as the impact of landmark decisions can have generational implications on American life. This presentation highlights the responsibility of the Supreme Court as one of three pillars of U.S. democracy, current cases on the docket and possible reform to the institution.
The Divided States of America? – Current Political Developments in the U.S.
Divisions in American society seem to be growing in the tense climate of recent years. Has America ever been this divided? What impact will Donald Trump’s second presidency have on society? On issues ranging from the role of government to racial equality, immigration, and gender roles, this presentation will explore the reasons for these fissures and present ideas that could bring the country back together.