
Let’s talk!

Lower-Intermediate Conversation Course (B1)

Dienstag 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr
08.04. – 10.06.25 (10x)
Preis: 190 Euro, 175 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrerin: Dawn Morris
Ort: DAZ
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

Do you find yourself in a situation where you want to speak English but can’t find the words? Do you have a working vocabulary but haven’t spoken English in a long time? In that case, welcome to our B1 Conversation Course! We will read and discuss different articles from magazines and newspapers as well as enjoy presentations with TED talks. Share your experiences and opinions in a relaxed atmosphere. We review vocabulary at the beginning of each lesson, you receive suggestions for improvement, and we address grammar issues when needed. We focus on improving confidence so you feel more comfortable with speaking and can apply your language skills to everyday conversational settings.

Your teacher, Dawn Morris, is originally from Boston, Massachusetts.

Intermediate Conversation Course (B1/B2)

Dienstag 10.30 – 12.00 Uhr
08.04. – 10.06.25 (10x)
Preis: 190 Euro, 175 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrerin: Angela Carcia
Ort: DAZ
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

Join our class if you want to work on your speaking skills in a relaxed and fun setting! On a weekly basis, you will get an opportunity to discuss events from the news or topics of your interest – everyone is welcome to suggest conversation topics. Articles from newspapers and magazines often provide the basis for our discussions in class. We focus on improving confidence and fluency so that you can apply your English skills to everyday conversational settings. Occasionally, we will also address common grammar challenges based on your needs and questions.

Your teacher, Angela Carcia, is from Boston, Massachusetts.

Upper-Intermediate Conversation Course (B2) – AUSGEBUCHT

Donnerstag 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr
10.04. – 10.07.25 (10x), kein Kurs am 01.05., 29.05., 19.06 und 26.06.25
Preis: 190 Euro, 175 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrerin: Katie Larson
Ort: DAZ
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

Expand your conversation skills through our lively discussions. Our topics include culture, entertainment, society, travel and other fascinating subjects. Every week, we will talk about a magazine or newspaper article that you have read at home and take it as the starting point for our exchanges in class. You will also learn more about American culture and mentality when we address intercultural differences between Germany and the United States. Just bring an open mind and your questions and join our class!

Your teacher, Katie Larson, is from Littleton, Colorado.

Thursday Morning Conversation Course (B2/C1)

Donnerstag 10.00 – 11.30 Uhr
10.04. – 10.07.25 (10x), kein Kurs am 01.05., 29.05., 19.06. und 26.06.25
Preis: 190 Euro, 175 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrerin: Angela Carcia
Ort: DAZ
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

Improve your English skills while the day and your mind are still fresh! Every week, we talk about the latest headlines and other interesting topics. Feel free to suggest anything that will get the conversation started or keep it going. You’ll also hone your presentation skills and occasionally we will include some light grammar review to further polish your English skills.

Your teacher, Angela Carcia, is from Boston, Massachusetts.

What’s New? Conversational English (C1)

Mittwoch 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr
09.04. – 25.06.25 (12x)
Preis: 228 Euro, 210 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrer: Jim Kautt
Ort: DAZ
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

What’s new in Stuttgart and the world? Join us every Wednesday evening for advanced English conversation on the latest news, personal interests, and hobbies in a familiar atmosphere. We also read and discuss articles about culture, business, and other interesting topics, all the while expanding vocabulary and improving grammar skills. Whether you are a long-time participant or a new face, you can look forward to exchanging ideas and opinions with others in our lively discussions.

Your teacher, Jim Kautt, hails from Texas.

HYBRID: Next Level: Advanced Conversation Skills (C1)

Donnerstag 18.00 – 19.30 Uhr
17.04. – 17.07.25, kein Kurs am 01.05., 29.05., 19.06. und 26.06.25
Preis: 190 Euro, 175 Euro (DAZ-Mitglieder)
Lehrer: Benjamin Cauthen
Ort: DAZ oder Zoom
Gruppengröße: max. 10 Personen

Would you like to boost your conversation skills? Then this is the right course for you! Every week, you will get the chance to practice your English in a small group. Articles on current events will serve as a basis for lively class discussions that will help you enhance your speaking abilities and expand your vocabulary. We will also work on your presentation skills and do some light grammar review to help you polish your English skills even more.

Dieser Kurs findet hybrid statt. Bei unseren Hybridkursen ist die Teilnahme in Präsenz am DAZ oder digital über Zoom möglich.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie entweder nur vor Ort oder nur online am Kurs teilnehmen können. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung an, ob Sie einen Platz vor Ort oder digital buchen möchten.

Your teacher, Benjamin Cauthen, is originally from Charleston, South Carolina.